

Auditions for RIPCORD will be held on Monday, March 17 and Tuesday, March 18, check-in time is from 7pm – 8pm.

Location: Baylake United Methodist church at 4300 Shore Drive, Virginia Beach

Performance Dates: May 23 – June 15, Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm, Sundays at 2:30pm

Please be prepared to provide your conflicts at auditions.

-Read through – Saturday, 3/22 at 10am

-Normal rehearsal schedule:

  • Monday through Thursday – 7pm – 10pm
  • Saturday – 10am to 2pm
  • Tech and dress rehearsal dates – 5/17 – 5/23

Ripcord is mostly set in a double room at Brystol Place Senior Living Facility, though there are a couple of other locations.

Character List:
Abby Binder – a resident, 70s
Marilyn Dunne – a resident, 70s
Scotty – a resident aide, 20s – 30s
Benjamin, Lewis, and other roles – 30s – 40s
Colleen, and other roles – 30s – 40s
Derek, and other roles – 30s – 40s

Note from the Director
These audition sides are provided to help you prepare for your audition. You are not expected to
memorize the lines. Copies of the sides will be available during auditions, and we will be happy for you
to do a cold reading if you do not have the opportunity to review the sides.

Grab Audition Sides Here


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